• Healthcare Systems Crisis: CARELEADERS® addresses the four critical issues concerning trustees and CEOs of healthcare organizations: workforce crisis, quality and safety failures, physician relations, and financial viability. The systems failures generating 30%-40% in financial waste as well as quality and safety issues can be directly linked to leadership, workforce, and patient dynamics.

  • Leadership and Values Systems Failures: Decades of production-centered behaviors have been driven by quality-blind payment by healthcare purchasers. Many leaders have developed a single-minded focus on driving revenue and cost containment. This has not only robbed U.S. healthcare of systems investment but has also reinforced a reward system that has clouded the values compass of traditional healthcare. This has taken the care out of healthcare and the trust out of the public trust.
  • Quality Systems Failures: The $2.4 trillion U.S. healthcare industry is in a quality crisis. We are treating sicker and sicker patients faster and faster with more and more complex treatments. We are now paying the price for minimal investment in social, internet technology (IT), and physical infrastructure systems. Such systems failures are generating enormous preventable adverse events and cost at a time when Medicare, the world’s largest purchaser, is running out of money.

  • Enterprise Performance Gap: Current financial, operational, and clinical failures are intrinsically inter-dependent and tightly coupled. The loss of high-quality nurses from the workforce, the relationship of nurse-to-patient ratios with costly and dramatic adverse events, the cost of retention, recruitment/training, and the relationship between use of non-full-time employee (FTE) registry workforce and system failures are all clear. The opportunity to create great savings, enterprise performance impact, win brand equity, and drive community value is staggering. CARELEADERS® service means to tackle this gap through people systems, performance systems, leadership systems, workforce systems, and patient systems.

CARELEADERS® is a Trademark of HCC Corporation, licensed to CareLeaders.